Tiffany Gartner-Bouffard CPA, CA, TEP
Contact: tgbouffard@pallan.associates | 250.999.4613
Tiffany grew up in Kamloops before making her way to Victoria in 2008. She originally intended to pursue a career in pharmacy but changed her mind and decided to explore a bit of the world first. Teaching in Japan provided an excellent springboard for travel and many opportunities for adventure. Upon her return to Canada, Tiffany found that what had led her away from the sciences brought her over to the business world.
Entrepreneurship had always captivated her attention, and she felt that gaining an understanding of what makes organizations successful was the keystone to a rewarding professional life. Soon after finishing her undergraduate degree in Business Administration, she decided to pursue her CA accounting designation and has never looked back.
Now that she lives by the ocean, she can’t imagine ever moving away. In her spare time, she loves to read books on pretty much anything (history, fiction, gardening, science and tech.. you name it) and enjoys getting outside for some fresh air. She makes killer chocolate chunk cookies and has always had an interest in aviation.
In the office, Tiffany focuses on providing the best possible advice to her clients. She is approachable, warm and engaging. Her key strengths as a professional are careful listening, critical thinking, and helping create a team that feels supported and empowered.